Monday 17 December 2012

Sound pictures

This is the area we made the whistle noise. As you can see from the photo sound from Mustafa's mouth is being bounced off the wall making a hollow noise from all around the room making an echo at the end of the whistle tone. These set of staircases are blocked off with two doors both upstairs and downstairs which are close so all the noise is trapped, with the ceiling being high up there is more sound available to travel around the atmosphere to create more of an acoustic and hollow sound which can be heard from afar and also which travels straight to the sound recorder.

We can see in this picture that it is more of a closed boxed room. The sounds from the voice are heading directly to the voice recorder. Having a limited space of the voice to be around. In the recording you can hear an echo of the sound due to the hollow room. The room size also had an impact on the sound recording. The room was a small studio room with objects inside such as chairs, tables, a mini studio and also a mirror, although the walls of the room are strong which traps all the sound inside rather than it being more hollow and creating more of an echo noise.

We chose this location for the football sounds as it was an open space and we could test the sounds from the outside. Theres a shelter off the wall where the sound will be bouncing off into the recorder. The results that we got from this are that we can hear the sounds everywhere. The wall brings out a hollow sound when the ball is hit against it. The buildings around it are fairly large building built with 2 floors so all the sound from the football is being reflected off it into the sound recorder making it more clear but hollow at the same time due to the fact that we are outdoors. Another reason as to why the sound is hollow is because the wall that the ball is being kicked against is the sports hall which is a empty hollow room reflecting a lot of sound.

We placed the sound recorder secretly in the room and recorded all the sound from the whole scale of the room. The reason as to why we hid the sound recorder before recording is so that any of the people in there would not react differently by knowing they are being recorded. We also hid the recorder into our jacket pocket so the sound that comes out will come out more softer and quieter. Even with the sound recorder being placed in a jacket pocket the sound was still a slight bit loud due to the way everyone was speaking in the room. The room is a boxed room with windows that are covered by blinds so no outside sound is being entered into the room, this helped our sound to only capture what was going on in the room.

 The reason why we chose these shoes for the footsteps is so because they have flat soles and they would make more of a tapping noise on the floor. We recorded the footsteps from the end of the passage way making its way up building up the noise by each step its taking. We can see that sounds can also be bounced off from the surrounding walls. On the left hand side there is open space so that the sounds can be escaping from the passage way.

In this image we can see that sound can be open everywhere as there is a lot of open space available. Also the sound from the pub and buildings bounce off to opposite directions. There are also sounds from the cars on the road. The area is also built up around a lot of buildings which the sound can reflect off, at the time the photo was taken there was not many cars around but when the recording was taking place the road was busy with cars as usual.

We can see that in this photo that sound is being escaped from various places such as the motor garages mainly as shown in the image and also from the directions shown in the image. Sound is also entering from behind the sound recorder from where the image has been taken. 

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