Thursday 20 June 2013

Types Off Research

Why do we need research? We need research due to the fact we want to know about something, there may be a point where we would have to write about something or find something out and in order for that we need to do our research. There are many advantages from doing your research, one off them being you will gain more knowledge about something and also you will understand the subject even more if you have done your research properly.

How will research improve a computer game company? Well first of all if the company do their research it will benefit them and make their gaming that slight bit better. First off all if a company does their research they could work out who their target audience are for the game so they will know how to advertise the game to its appropriate target audience. Another way that it will benefit a company is that they will know what price range they are going for to sell the game, they could work this out by looking at other games within the same genre and see how much they are going for. 

There are various different types off research such as: 

Qualitative Research: Qualitative research gathers information which isn't in any sort off numerical form. The research could be from diary entries, open ended questionnaires, unstructured interviews and also unstructured observations. Qualitative data is harder to analyse rather than quantitative data. For example qualitative data can be carried out through unstructured interviews from newspaper companies to gather information from people. 


Quantitative Research: Quantitative research gathers research which is in numerical form which then can be plotted onto bar graphs and charts to make the research more easier to pick and collect data more easier too. An example could be from reviews online or open ended questionnaires so people can then go onto show this information that was carried out in a form of a bar graph or even a pie chart. 


Primary Research: Primary research is new research, carried out to answer specific issues or questions. It can involve questionnaires, surveys or interviews with individuals or small groups. Primary research can also be carried out in the media industry. Lets take for example a newspaper company want to find out something from a celeb for an article, they could have a face to face interview to gather their primary information together. 


Secondary Research: Secondary research includes published research reports in a library, surveys or the Internet. It can also include scientific reports produced by medical councils, universities or government. Not only that but secondary research can be obtained from media companies, for example you could be carrying out some research about sci fi and gather information from a scientific documentary which may have been seen on television before. 


There are 3 main research purposes in media which are :

Market Research
Production Research 
Audience Research

Market Research: 
Market research is about finding out what customers and consumers think, want or need. For example, market research helps businesses decide on what new products or services they will offer for example its about knowing who you target audience is. You could be making a music album and you will need to know at what price it will sell for and who your intended target audience are, this is where market research steps in. 


Audience research: Audience research is all about your target audience! if you do not have the correct target audience your media business can be going downhill before you know it. You need to know your intended audience for the game that you are producing to make it more effective and also an advantage is to increase sales within the game! 
For example the game Grand Theft Auto is aimed at people aged 18 or over due to the things that go on in the game. This is why the game is very popular to its age group.

Production Research: When developing a new game you would need to carry out Production Research. This research will allow you to identify what resources you will need to launch the end product and whether your game would be profitable within the current market.

Overall we can see that research is really important in the media industry to make a game or a film as effective as possible. It is important that research is taken out during the media industry due to the fact that there is a lot of limelight upon it so you have to make it as accurate as possible for it to appeal to the customers.

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