Friday 21 June 2013

Super mario

New Super Mario Bros

This was the final game that i chose to do and i did it because it brings back childhood memories off when i used to play it myself. The sounds for this game were really cool to be done and was a lot off fun doing so!

Collecting Coins sound: for the coins sound what me and my classmate saifur did was we got some coins in our pocket and shook it to get the coins colliding together. This was effective as it made the sort off sense that the coins were rustling with one another.

Bouncing sound: With the bouncing sound what we did was we used the piano which is situated in the schools music department. We simply picked a key which was not too high pitched and not too low so it made it perfect for the game and sounded like the one in reality.

Background sound:  The background sound was really effective for my game as i had my friend who knew how to play the mario theme tune on the piano to record it onto the mic. 

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