Friday 7 March 2014

magazine layout (miss paradise)

Daily mail and vogue magazine layout contrasts

In todays lesson we looked at layouts of e-magazines. The two sites in which i looked at were 'Daily mail' and 'Vogue fashion magazine'. The two contrasted in various ways. First i analysed 'Daily mail' as soon as you enter the site we could see that there were big headings to grab the readers attention. The page was laid out with 3 columns. The first column was about a news heading about a motorist getting a fine, the text was written in big and they decided to show the distraught  pictures at first. The pictures used were to show the readers the emotions of the people involved in the story, they showed a picture of the motorist who received the fine looking very unpleased and made the man look like the bad guy in the situation, right below we see the picture of the family (victims) looking very upset, this is to get the readers to feel some sympathy towards the family. In the middle column it had a miniture gallery which navigated you to stories about celebrities and their recent updates. This was very easy to navigate and is full of pictures! Below it had miniture subheadings about the recent politics happening worldwide and the third column was also stories laid out with pictures and little summaries of what the story is about so it gets the reader going. Also on top of these headlines it says 'don't miss'. This a way of reaching the readers attention. Another thing i have also realised from this page is that they had a search engine so you can look up previous stories online and also a little ad telling us to follow them on social networking sites twitter and facebook.

I then went onto the vogue website this website was more organised and less packed with info. On the top left of the site it had the company name and underneath there were headings which navigate you to different departments of the site to show what is happening in and around the company. In big lettering the word 'Magazine' is shown to us which tells us straight we are looking at their e-magazine. Underneath that they have easy to navigate pages to look through. It has 2 columns where there is one main column talking about the main stories and the second column which is links to separate pages and adverts. In the main column it talks about the recent fashion updates and what is happening in the fashion/modelling world. On the first story they used a rhetorical question which is really effective. On the right hand side of the page there is only two adds about other magazine updates where people get the opportunity to subscribe. Unlike daily mail, vogues subheadings have minor text underneath them whereas daily mail has a long summary about the story. On the top right hand of the site there is miniture search engine symbol and an option to register or login to get more updates of what is going on.

We can see that daily mail is trying to have more of a diverse audience and trying to grab as many peoples attention whereas vogue knows who their target audience is and are more about the layout of their page to represent the company. The vogue magazine has also  got less information rather than daily mail and also vogue is only talking about one particular subject for it's company and daily mail is talking about many as it is more of a newspaper company for the world to read whoever you are. 

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