Wednesday 18 September 2013

Diary 6- noise control blog diary

Noise Control

As a class we watched a short film called 'noise control'. First of all we looked at the script to have a look on how it was laid out in terms of organisation. At first we are told before the script even starts that there was a low budget for this film.

When the script starts it starts off with a long intro about what the film is about, the budget and where it was set. It gave us all the details before the actual script started. Once the script started, it gave us an insight about what the film topic is on. It gives us instructions on the script such as (o.s) which means off set. It gives us clear instructions and the script is easy to follow. In the script they use a lot of description about how they are going to speak for example after the character name it says ( frantically) so it shows that the actor is going to speak frantically. It also has terms in the script such as (beat) which we have not seen in a another script before. This means that the actor should pause a moment on screen before continuing to speak again.

As this was a low budget movie you can already tell that the movie is not going to be as great. In fact it wasn't. the actual documentary was trying to be a comedy about the filming crew themselves. It was set in a small village in Wales. Where they went into a families house and tried making a document about what the area sound is like.

Everytime they recorded an aeroplane sound will go by. In this case they had to use sound effects for the aeroplane going past. The lighting of the film in my opinion was not too great as it was a low budget it will be expected.

Overall i believe this movie was a failed short comedy movie.

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