Monday 30 September 2013

Diary 5 G.M. blog diary

G.M. is a 8 and a half minute short film which we watched as a class together. At first we looked at the script and the script told us a lot about the movie before the actual script started. This film was a funded movie and it took a long time for the director to get the funding.

Before the script starts in the intro it tells us alot about the movie and who are involved in the movie. It also has a section about the 'film makers vision'.  The actors in the film have no speech, it is all just based on the acting. So the script jus gives us a sort of narrative of what each character is doing.

Once we looked through the script we then went on to watch the movie. The movie itself i believe had no stroyline to it. 

Wednesday 25 September 2013

Diary 7 blog diary- what we did today

In todays lesson we first looked at two different pilot episodes. One from the series of friends and one from the series of family guy. In the friends pilot we saw the setting of the scene and it described to us all of the characters and their personalities. It also showed two characters who are friends Ross and Rachel who are currently going through problems in their lives. Ross just had a recent break up wit his girlfriend and Rachel who ditched her wedding. This is effective because it makes the audience want to know what happens during the rest of the series.

The next pilot that we watched was family guy. This pilot we thought dragged a bit and made it seem more of an actual episode. Although it did show us the main characters and the main settings there was no pilot feeling to it.

We also pitched our pilots and gave  a brief summary to the class about what happens in our pilots and also our movies and how we are going to go about doing so.

We then went to go and watched a different pitch online which was then made into a movie and it showed us how a simple short pitch could be made into something really effective.

We also watched a brief documentary about a writer who tells us about his ideas on writing and what he believes would make a great script

Wednesday 18 September 2013

what is a pilot

A pilot is  like a short snippet of what the movie is going to be a bout including the setting, the mood and the sound effects required to grab the audiences attention and make them want to watch the movie. You will have to think about the genre and setting the mood so the audience can feel the setting of the mood .

Also you can say that it is a short 3 minute max scene from the film for the funders to see if it is going to be successful enough to be worth funding.

It has to have an eye opening scene which will make the movie seem really interesting. For example say if in your movie someone dies, you could show that so the audience want to watch the movie and think ' what happens? how did he get killed?' 

Diary 6- noise control blog diary

Noise Control

As a class we watched a short film called 'noise control'. First of all we looked at the script to have a look on how it was laid out in terms of organisation. At first we are told before the script even starts that there was a low budget for this film.

When the script starts it starts off with a long intro about what the film is about, the budget and where it was set. It gave us all the details before the actual script started. Once the script started, it gave us an insight about what the film topic is on. It gives us instructions on the script such as (o.s) which means off set. It gives us clear instructions and the script is easy to follow. In the script they use a lot of description about how they are going to speak for example after the character name it says ( frantically) so it shows that the actor is going to speak frantically. It also has terms in the script such as (beat) which we have not seen in a another script before. This means that the actor should pause a moment on screen before continuing to speak again.

As this was a low budget movie you can already tell that the movie is not going to be as great. In fact it wasn't. the actual documentary was trying to be a comedy about the filming crew themselves. It was set in a small village in Wales. Where they went into a families house and tried making a document about what the area sound is like.

Everytime they recorded an aeroplane sound will go by. In this case they had to use sound effects for the aeroplane going past. The lighting of the film in my opinion was not too great as it was a low budget it will be expected.

Overall i believe this movie was a failed short comedy movie.

info on 

Monday 16 September 2013

Diary 4- The Darjeeling Limited

As a class we watched the movie 'The Darjeeling Limited', but first of all we had a look at the script. This was the first script we looked at and it was very straight forward. It told us what was happening and where it was set and it was very easy to read. It set the scene for the movie and also gave us an insight to the characters too.

Throughout watching the movie, we as a class noticed that there was differences from the script and the movie itself. Some of the dialogue and actions that were recorded on the script weren't shown in the movie.

In terms of music i found that the music really went well with the actual screenplay and how it was interpreted in the script. 

Visual Narrative

Today we learned about visual narrative which you have to figure out the narrative through the images shown and what it symbolises. When you go through certain images there are many theories you may come across until you actually research what the image is about. We looked through pre historic art in France and Mexico. We also looked at images from Native American Art Colorado, Mesopotamia from 3000BC, Native American Art 17th century and Egyptian Heiroglyphics. Once it got to the Egyptian Heiroglyphics we figured out that people use visual symbols to represent language. 

Wednesday 11 September 2013

Diary 3 - A space odessy blog

We as a class watched the 1968 movie 'A space oddysey' which i think was a very dragged movie. What i mean by this is i believe everything was happening too slowly and could easily bore the audience. Maybe it wasn't the sort of movie i'd watch? The movie did have its pros and cons.

First of all we had a look at the script. In terms of organisation the script was very detailed with timings of when what happened in each chapter of it. With all the organisation i still found the script a slight bit confusing.

The sound effects of the movie were good to a certain level. Sometimes i believe some of the sounds were too exaggerated for my liking and also for the scene itself. There were some fight scenes between the apes. Before they begun there would be a tense sound effect like a drum effect to create the suspence for the audience which i believe was good for the movie.

I believe the acting in the movie was quite poor, but i have to bare in mind the fact that this is a 60's movie. I have not watched the whole movie so i have not seen most of the acting yet as most of the scenes we watched were mainly based around sound effects.

One of the main things in which i noticed the cast have spent their time on was the settings of the scenes and how they would go about fittin it in. Before we started watching the movie clip our teacher Miss Paradise asked us where we think it will be set with our understanding of the script. I thought to myself that ot was going to be set in a dessert like place. This is because in the script they talked about how the setting was in caves, this made me think that it will be set in a dessert like scene.

In terms of filmaking and the shooting of  certain shots i believe they done a good job due to the fact that there were certain shots such as the sunset in the beginning was really effective as it tells the audience what kind of settin they are falling into.

Overall i think this was a poor movie in terms of acting but in terms of sound effects i believe that it was reasonable, but theovoe did excel in terms of filmaling and certain shots.

Tuesday 10 September 2013

computer game story development

What is your average gamer?
Well according to studies an average gamer is a 35 year old who earns around £23,000 a year and plays for a couple of hours a day.  It also says that the average gamer is married and spends two and a hald hours a day, five days a week playing games and also stays up to 11pm. We are also told that both male and female gamers spend as long as each other gaming.

Gamers also own two different consoles and on averge own 18 games each! Gaming can also cause arguments? apparently the average gamer argues with their partner twice a week all over gaming! The most popular consoles among respondants are ps3, Wii and Xbox 360.
This research gathered is from a gaming network names 'Pixwoo'.


Pro Gamer- For some people gaming is a dream, especially pro gamers. Some people earn a living just through gaming. People enter tournaments all over the world and win up to prizes such as £300,000. There are pro gamers all around the world who spend most of their days gaming as a living.

Newbie- A newbie could be said to someone who is new to a game, a concept or a forum. In this case it is someone who is new to a game and does not know what it is about. It is a slang term used mainly with teenage crowds.

Casual Gamer- A casual gamer is someone who limits their time playing video games. Casual gamers also like to play games that are easy to play. The casual gamer is usually older and also female. A casual gamer might not also own a certain type of console or video game to play their game.

Retrogamer- A retrogamer is a gamer who prefers to play and collect retro games which usually consist of older video games or computer games. They are also referred to 'old school gamers' or 'classic gamers'. These terms are more common in the United States.


My least favourite game genres are action adventure games such as legend of zelda series. The reason for this is maybe because  i do not have the creative mind as some others have, whereas i like more realistic games. I also find the process of keeping up with a lot of series of games timewasting. I also do not like games such as certain war games as i find them hard to control. 

I think my favourite game of all time is Grand Theft Auto. The reason being is it is such a life like game! you can do pretty much everything that you can do in real life which makes it more relaistic and fun to play. Realistic meaning from driving a car to jumping off a building!

I think the most offensive computer game i have come across is called 'Muslim Massacre' online. The game gas its title offensively suggests you to massacre as many Muslims as possible. The producer of the game has made it so that you are controlling an American Hero who wipes out as many Muslims with armament weapons. This is the reason as to why i find this game highly offensive. 

I believe that games should have age rated content on them as nowadays kids are picking up bad habbits from games and this causes to take on these bad habbits in reality. If there was no age rated content, the youth of today would all be brainwashed by what they see on video games.