Sound designers are responsible for providing any required sounds for any screen actions. Most sound designers are experienced supervising sound editors who carry out managerial roles. Sound effects are added on after filming. Depending on the movies budget the sound designers usually start the work at the same time as the sound editors. The sound designer is responsible for everything the audience hears. What it requires can vary depending on the type of show, the performers in the show and the performance venue. There is not a single job description that surrounds everything that the sound designer does as they can adapt in what they do depending on a specific production. Many sound designers have physical work which they have to do wuch as going out and recording the sounds themselves. This means they have to come up with a way of getting each specific sounds. The kind of sounds a sound designer may be asked to record are specific gun shots for a movie or a game. This means they have to go out and ensure that they have special microphone equipment to surrounding the surface they will be shooting the gun sounds and also so that they can pick up the best sounds.
A sound effect library is a collection of sounds that have already been recorded that people can use to add to their media project. It could be online or on a cd. The disadvantage of the sound effects are the fact that most of the websites are free so the market for the sound effects are decreasing. Why would someone pay when they could get it for free? The websites where you can get them for free are and You can purchase sound effects from itunes. Each sound effect from itunes can cost from 79 pence and the whole playlist coming at prices from £2.49pence. There are also different genres such as 'Essential weather sound'. There are software programmes which you will find on apple mac computers called Garageband and Logic pro. These programmes have sections on where you can see they have sound effect libraries which will give you sounds that you search for. There are certain companies which sell sound effects under personal use which they expect you to use for your own personal use in your own small projects. Another thing about personal use is that you can use the sound effects and display them on sites such as facebook and youtube which are your self made videos and the company may ask you to add their company name onto the sound effect or on your link as a referance. There are also other companies where you will need a commercial license which means you can purchase their sounds and use them in movies with no cost. It also means that it is free to use for non commercial usage.
Mp3 stands for Mpeg-1 audio layer. The Mpeg process compresses a sound sequence into a small file while keeping its original quality. You may be wondering how it does this . It selects and eliminates certain sound frequences that cant be heard. The format then compresses file to half the size of the original file, making it quicker to download. WAV is more of an older music format which was designed by microsoft to play short snippets of sound on any audio- enabled computer. Since windows 3.1 WAV has been the format for sound within the windows environment. Almost every browser has built in WAV playback support. Both formats sound fine, the differences are that the two file formats are quite profound. WAV's are much bulkier than MP3's but they do not require any specific software to play. MP3's require special programmes to play them such as Napster or WinAmp.
Mono sound is where all the audio signals are mixed together and placed together through a single audio channel. Mono systems can have multiple separated speakers. Stereo sound systems have two independant audio signal channels and the signals that are reproduced have a specific level and phase. Surround sound is used to describe a type of audio output in which the sound appears to sort of surround the listener by 360 degrees. Surround sound use 3 or more channels and speakers in front and behind the listener to create a surrounding envelope of sound. If you want to put it in more simpler terms we could just easily say that mono is one speaker on your tv which is in use. Stereo is where all the speakers on tv are in use and surround sound is separate speakers in use such as theatres. You have to purchase surround sound separately but most people use stereo sound.
The sound designer who i will be talking about is Walter Murch who is an American film editor and also a sound designer. Walter Murch started editing and mixing sound with Francis Ford Coppola's 'The Rain People'. He also worked on the Godfather parts one and two which is a massive movie sill well known in the modern day. In 1979 he won an Oscar for the sound mix of Apocolypse now as well as a nomination for picture editing. Murch is widely acknowledged as the person who coined the term sound designer. Along with his colleagues developed the current standard film sound format the 5.1 channel array.
MIDI stands for musical instrument digital interface. It is a very compact way of reproducing music. MIDI enables electronic musical instruments such as keyboard controllers, computers and other electrical opponants to communicate and synchronize with each other for playing music. MIDI allows computers to control one another and to exchanfge system data. When you record a digital audio, the signal from an analogue sensor like microphone is sampled using high frequency and converted to digital format using an analogue and digital convertor. For playing the music the information is converted once again. The file format is very large compared to MIDI file format as it contains actual signal or voice.
A sound effect library is a collection of sounds that have already been recorded that people can use to add to their media project. It could be online or on a cd. The disadvantage of the sound effects are the fact that most of the websites are free so the market for the sound effects are decreasing. Why would someone pay when they could get it for free? The websites where you can get them for free are and You can purchase sound effects from itunes. Each sound effect from itunes can cost from 79 pence and the whole playlist coming at prices from £2.49pence. There are also different genres such as 'Essential weather sound'. There are software programmes which you will find on apple mac computers called Garageband and Logic pro. These programmes have sections on where you can see they have sound effect libraries which will give you sounds that you search for. There are certain companies which sell sound effects under personal use which they expect you to use for your own personal use in your own small projects. Another thing about personal use is that you can use the sound effects and display them on sites such as facebook and youtube which are your self made videos and the company may ask you to add their company name onto the sound effect or on your link as a referance. There are also other companies where you will need a commercial license which means you can purchase their sounds and use them in movies with no cost. It also means that it is free to use for non commercial usage.
Mp3 stands for Mpeg-1 audio layer. The Mpeg process compresses a sound sequence into a small file while keeping its original quality. You may be wondering how it does this . It selects and eliminates certain sound frequences that cant be heard. The format then compresses file to half the size of the original file, making it quicker to download. WAV is more of an older music format which was designed by microsoft to play short snippets of sound on any audio- enabled computer. Since windows 3.1 WAV has been the format for sound within the windows environment. Almost every browser has built in WAV playback support. Both formats sound fine, the differences are that the two file formats are quite profound. WAV's are much bulkier than MP3's but they do not require any specific software to play. MP3's require special programmes to play them such as Napster or WinAmp.
Mono sound is where all the audio signals are mixed together and placed together through a single audio channel. Mono systems can have multiple separated speakers. Stereo sound systems have two independant audio signal channels and the signals that are reproduced have a specific level and phase. Surround sound is used to describe a type of audio output in which the sound appears to sort of surround the listener by 360 degrees. Surround sound use 3 or more channels and speakers in front and behind the listener to create a surrounding envelope of sound. If you want to put it in more simpler terms we could just easily say that mono is one speaker on your tv which is in use. Stereo is where all the speakers on tv are in use and surround sound is separate speakers in use such as theatres. You have to purchase surround sound separately but most people use stereo sound.
The sound designer who i will be talking about is Walter Murch who is an American film editor and also a sound designer. Walter Murch started editing and mixing sound with Francis Ford Coppola's 'The Rain People'. He also worked on the Godfather parts one and two which is a massive movie sill well known in the modern day. In 1979 he won an Oscar for the sound mix of Apocolypse now as well as a nomination for picture editing. Murch is widely acknowledged as the person who coined the term sound designer. Along with his colleagues developed the current standard film sound format the 5.1 channel array.
MIDI stands for musical instrument digital interface. It is a very compact way of reproducing music. MIDI enables electronic musical instruments such as keyboard controllers, computers and other electrical opponants to communicate and synchronize with each other for playing music. MIDI allows computers to control one another and to exchanfge system data. When you record a digital audio, the signal from an analogue sensor like microphone is sampled using high frequency and converted to digital format using an analogue and digital convertor. For playing the music the information is converted once again. The file format is very large compared to MIDI file format as it contains actual signal or voice.
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