Monday, 15 July 2013

Pre Production

Types of Pre Production: Pre Production is a vital stage of any creative production process. It's a fairly loose term which refers to the tasks that are undertaken before any production. For a small video company, pre-production may refer to everything that happens before shooting begins, for example, meeting with the client, research, storyboarding, location planning, etc. For feature films, pre-production is more specific and only begins when other milestones have been met such as financing, screenplay, casting and major staffing. 

Finance: An important stage of the pre production is the finance planning.You need to figure out what finances you need for things such as advertising, sponsorship, hiring prices, cover price, sales and also rental charges. Also there is expendature with costs of crew, personall, facility hire and also legal costs. 

Timing/Schedules: Timing and schedules need to be planned and organised very precisely. This is important because crew members need to know where to go on what days and also you need to know when certain facilities are open for hire. Making a time schedule would be very beneficial to all the members that are working on the project on certain days.

Facilities: Any media production will involve the use of production equipment and facilities to capture, record, edit and manipulate the raw material into the finished product. You need to make sure facilities that you need are booked which comes with organisation. Moving image, photographic products will need equipment and studios to capture sounds and images that you will need. 

Monday, 1 July 2013

Diary 2- Planet of the apes

For this lesson we had to watch the 1960s version of the movie Planet of the apes. The sound and music that was used in this movie was very interesting and put together well even though i had less interest in this movie. They only put in music when it was really necessary. There was a lot of basic instruments used such as basic drums to create a sense of tense moments during the movie.


8 questions

High definition uses more data to create pictures rather than standard definition. high definition is around five times more of the data rather than standard definition which is lower. With the fact that there is more data in high definition means there are more pixels to create a much better image!

In Europe 16:9 aspect ratios were introduced in the early 1990s. HD televisions are always 16:9 but there is no standard for 4:3 ratio when using high definition.

Standard definition resolutions are: 720x576 with 4:3 aspect ratio or 16:9 aspect ratio.

High definition signals are: 1920x1080 pixels with 16:9 aspect ratio.

Aspect ratio is an image projection that describes the relationship between the width and height of an image. For example there are movies which are shot with wide angle lenses with the aspect ratio of 16:9. This means the width of the image area will be twice the size of its height. 4:3 ratio means that the image is 4 units by 3 units high.

PAL is short for phase alternating line. It is a video format used in television transmission used in most of Europe except for France, Bulgaria, Russia and some other countries. NTSC is short for National television standard commitee. It sets the standard for analog televisions in the United States. It has been used in other countries as well as Japan. SECAM is short for sequential colour with memory and it is a analog television system.

In motion pictures, television and in video game displays, frame rate is the number of frames or images that are displayed per second.

A tape drive is the thing that drives the tape around originally with a hard disk. Nowadays the drive is built in so a hard disk drive is referring to the disk and the drive. The main difference is the fact that hard drive has more capacity to store more data in it.

Digital broadcasting is standard broadcasting which was produced since two years ago, 10 years ago it was for satellite and cable.

Video editing software is where  people can upload videos onto their computer and edit them with softwares such as final cut pro or windows movie maker.